Vic le viking 2: Le marteau de thor 2011

Action Adventure Comedy Family

Viking village Flake's chief Halvar orders clever, tiny son Wickie to rob a knights convoy. The warriors have to take over but fail to see Wicki being abducted with a cargo of Eskimo slaves...

All Titles
  • DE: Wickie auf großer Fahrt Wickie auf großer Fahrt
  • BE: Wickie en de schat van de goden Wickie en de schat van de goden
  • HU: Wickie hosszú útja Wickie hosszú útja
  • IT: Vicky e il tesoro degli dei Vicky e il tesoro degli dei
  • NL: Wickie en de schat van de goden Wickie en de schat van de goden
  • PT: Vickie e o Tesouro dos Deuses Vickie e o Tesouro dos Deuses
  • RU: Вики, маленький викинг 2 Вики, маленький викинг 2
  • ES: Vicky el vikingo y el martillo de Thor Vicky el vikingo y el martillo de Thor
  • SE: Vicke Viking Vicke Viking
  • DE: Vicky and the Treasure of the Gods Vicky and the Treasure of the Gods
  • DE: Wickie and the Treasure of the Gods Wickie and the Treasure of the Gods
Released 29 Sep 2011
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