The Battle of Amfar 2013

Documentary Short Biography

When AIDS struck in the early 1980s, a scientist and a movie star did not have to respond - but they did. Dr. Mathilde Krim and Elizabeth Taylor joined forces to create amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research. The fight against HI...

All Titles
  • US: The Battle of Amfar The Battle of Amfar
  • NO: Då AIDS-panikken tok Verda Då AIDS-panikken tok Verda
  • RS: Borba za nadu, saosećanje i lek Borba za nadu, saosećanje i lek
  • US: The Battle of amfAR The Battle of amfAR
  • US: The Battle of Amfar The Battle of Amfar
Released 18 Jan 2013
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